Articles – 2020 year

Scientific journal «The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy» № 1(15)/2020

Initials and surname of the autor (s) Article title
1. Alpyssov N.S., Head of the Center for the Study of Issues on Protection of Public Interests of theAcademy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Sagymbekov B.Zh., Leading Research Associate ofthe Center for the Study of Issues on Protection of Public Interests of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Kemali Y.S., Candidate of Law, Head of the Centre for the Study of the Improvement of the Law Enforcement System ofthe Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Raiding: the oretical and practical aspects of criminal liability in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (pp. 10-16)
2. Kazhenov E.E., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Special Legal Disciplinesof the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Kazhenova A.S., Associate Professor of the «Turan-Astana» University, PhD (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Уголовные правонарушения против личности (общее состояние и отдельные вопросы совершенствования законодательства)» (Criminal offenses against the person (general status and individual issues for improving legislation) (pp. 17-25)
3. Knizhenko O.А., Doctor of Law, Professor, Senior Lecture of the Institute of Special Professional Development of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine (Kiev с., the Ukraine), Shamara A.V., PhD in Law, Professor, Deputy Director of the Research Institute of the National Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine (Kiev с., the Ukraine) «Пути унормирования антитеррористического законодательства Украины» (The ways of standartisation of antiterrorist legislation of Ukraine) (pp. 26-32)
4. Suleimen D.D., Leading Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Criminal Policy and Enforcement of Sentencesof the Academy of Law Enforcement Agenciesunder the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Проступок и новая классификация правонарушений: за и против» (Misconduct and a new classification of offenses: the pros and cons) (pp. 33-39)
5. Shandaulov T.S., Deputy Head of the Criminal Prosecution Department, the Chief Military Prosecutor Office the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Mukanov D.Zh., Candidate of Law, the Chief Military Prosecutor Office the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «О совершенствовании законодательства и правоприменения по воинской преступности» (Improving legislation and lawenforcement of the military crime) (pp. 40-46)
6. Belikova S.A., Candidate of Law, Chief of the Division of Training for Public Prosecutors on the Representation of State in Court of the Institute of Special Professional Development oftheNational Academy of Prosecution of Ukraine (Kiev с., the Ukraine) «Правовое регулирование медиации в исполнительном производстве» (Legal regulation of mediation in enforcement proceedings) (pp. 47-51)
7. Buralkiyeva B.B., Associate Professor of the General Legal Disciplines of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MA in International Relations (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Dosumov D.U., Master Student, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Некоторые вопросы регулирования медиации в уголовном процессе Республики Казахстан» (Some issues on regulation of mediation procedures in the criminal justice process in the Republic of Kazakhstan) (pp. 52-59)
8. Kuranbek Zh.A., Doctoral Student, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republicь of Kazakhstan) «Қазақстандағы жылжымайтын мүлік объектілері саласындағы алаяқтық» (The real estate fraudin Kazakhstan) (pp. 60-66)
9. Raimzhan S.B., Doctoral Student, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «К вопросу использования одорологических знаний в практике раскрытия и расследования преступлений» (Issues of using odorological knowledge in the practice of crime detection and investigation)  (pp. 67-74)
10. Karymsakov R.Sh., Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the «Turan-Astana» University (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Abraliyev Zh.Zh., Senior Lecturer, University «Turan-Astana» (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Kudaibergenova M.Zh., Senior Lecturer of the «Turan-Astana» University (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Некоторые вопросы к закону Республики Казахстан «О противодействии коррупции» (Some issueson the «Anti-corruption» law of the Republic of Kazakhstan) (pp. 75-81)
11. Kemali Y.S., Candidate of Law, Head of the Centre for the Study of the Improvement of the Law Enforcement System ofthe Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), Tapayev S.B., Chief Research Associate of the Centre for Organization and Coordination of Scientific Researches and Rulemaking of the Academy of Law Enforcement under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Уголовное преследование: место и роль органов прокуратуры» (Prosecution: place and role of the public prosecution service)  (pp. 76-88)
12. Syzdykov A.Zh., PhD, Academic Secretary of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agenciesunder the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Қазақстанның кәсіпкерлік туралы заңнамасы: қалыптасу кезеңдері» (Legislation of Kazakhstan on entrepreneurship: stages of formation) (pp. 89-99)
13. Tursunov A.B., Master Student, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan c., the Republic of Kazakhstan) «Актуальные проблемы защиты прав детей в Казахстане» (The current issues on protection of children’s rights in Kazakhstan)  (pp. 100-106)
14. Utarov K.A., Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, SKSU. M. Auezova (Shymkent c., the Republic of Kazakhstan), PhD student at the Russian State University of Justice «О понятии незаконного оборота промышленной продукции в Евразийском экономическом союзе» (The concept of illegal turnover of industrial products in the Eurasian economic union)  (pp. 107-114)


Scientific journal «The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy» № 2(16)/2020

Initials and surname of the autor (s) Article title
1. Merkel I.D., A Member of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 2nd Class State Councilor of Justice «Принцип пропорциональности: возможность его применения на правовом поле Казахстана» (The principle of proportionality: its applicability to the legal framework of Kazakhstan)  (pp. 18-23)
2. Amandykova S.K., Professor of the Astana International University, Doctor of Law, Khairmukhanmedov N. I., Associate Professor of the Astana International University, PhD, Osmanova D.B., Associate Professor of the Eurasian National University named after N.L. Gumilyov, Candidate of Law «Қазақстандағы жоо-да эндаумент-қорлар жұмысын құқықтық реттеу: заңнамаларға талдау» (Legal regulation of trust funds in universities of Kazakhstan: analysis of legislation) (pp. 24-30)
3. Seitayeva Zh.S., Associate Professor of the Department of International Training in the Sphere of Countering Global Threats, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candicate of Law, Associate Professor, Counselor of Justice, Balashov R.S., Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Training in the Sphere of Countering Global Threats, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLM, 1st Class Lawyer «Адам саудасына қарсы іс-қимыл мәселелері бойынша Өзбекстан Республикасының жұмыс тәжірибесі» (Experience of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the issues of countering human trafficking)  (pp. 31-42)
4. Zhizhis S.A., Leading Reseacher of the Centre for Study Issues on Criminal Policy and Enforcement of Sentences of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Counselor of Justice «О некоторых проблемах привлечения несовершеннолетних к уголовной ответственности за половые преступления» (On some issues of criminal prosecution of juvenile sex offenders) (pp. 43-47)
5. Kim A.I., Doctoral Student of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1st Class Lawyer «Актуальные вопросы совершенствования мер противодействия теневому игорному бизнесу в Республике Казахстан» (Curren issues in improving measures to counter the shadow gambling business in Kazakhstan) (pp. 48-55)
6. Mukanov D.Zh., Assistant to the Chief Military Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice, Mirzalimova R.A., Associate Professor of Criminology Department of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beysenov, Candidate of Law, Lieutenant Colonel of Police «К вопросу об ответственности за нарушение правил охраны государственной границы» (On the issue of responsibility for violation of the rules of state border protection) (pp. 56-60)
7. Smagulov A.A., MP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, Kanatov A.K., Сandidate of Law, Associate Professor «Совершенствование законодательства и обеспечение безопасности граждан (опыт правового моделирования)» (Improving legislation and ensuring citizen security (legal modelling experience) (pp. 61-67)
8. Omarov Y.A., Chief Research Officer of the Centre for Study of Public Interest Issues, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, Junior Counselor of Justice, Makanov T.G., Senior Reserch Officer of the Centre for Study Issues on Criminal Policy and Enforcement of Sentences, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLM, Junior Counselor of Justice, Alimkulov N.S., Senior Reserch Officer of the Centre for Study Issues on Criminal Policy and Enforcement of Sentences, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, LLM, Junior Counselor of Justice «Methodology for calculating certain types of procedural costs of criminal proceedings» (pp. 68-75)
9. Khanov T.A., Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the Karagandy Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Doctor of Law, Professor, Kadatsky S.N., docent of the Department of Criminal Procedure Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beissenov, candidate of law, Police Colonel «Применение полиграфа в уголовном процессе» (Use of the polygraph in the criminal process)  (pp. 76-81)
10. Merzadinov E.S., Rector of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Law, Lieutenant General of Justice, Секишев А.А., Professor of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 3d Class State Councilor of Justice, Abaideldinov E.M., Professor of the Department for International Law of the Faculty of Law of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Doctor of Law «Вопросы законодательного обеспечения полномочий прокурора по уголовному преследованию» (Legislative issues of the public authorities for criminal prosecution)  (pp. 82-89)
11. Nikitin E.L., Professor of a Department of the St. Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of the Prosecution of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Senior Counselor of Justice «Обеспечение законности и эффективности взаимодействия оперативных и следственных подразделений прокурором при выявлении и расследовании преступлений» (Ensuring the law and efficiency of interaction of operative and investigative divisions by the prosecutor during identification and investigation of crimes) (pp. 90-97)
12. Rakhmetollov A.K., Doctoral Student of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1st Class Lawyer, Bekisheva S.D., Chief Research Officer of the Centre for Study of Public Interest Issues, the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Senior Counselor of Justice, Kizdarbekova A.S., Dean of the Legal Department of the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor «Проблемы защиты прав предпринимателей в правоприменительной практике государственных органов» (Problems of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in the law enforcement practice of state bodies)  (pp. 98-107)
13. Kaudyrov T.E., Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Professor, Shakenov М.A., Candidate of Law «Судебная практика италии и австрии в аспекте реализации правил прецедентного характера» (Judicial practice of italy and austria in the aspect of the implementation of some case-law provisions)  (pp. 108-115)


Scientific journal «The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy» № 3(17)/2020

Initials and surname of the autor (s) Article title
1. Karataev T.D., head of the Cycle of special disciplines of the Training center of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B.Momyshuly, Candidate of Law, police lieutenant colonel, e-mail: «Қазақстан Республикасының әкімшілік құқық бұзушылық туралы заңнамасына сәйкес тұлғаларды жазадан босатудың кейбір мәселелері» (Some issues of exemption from punishment in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative offenses) (pp. 10-17)
2. Kenjaev T.I., lecturer, Department of organization of supervision over the implementation of legislation of the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1st class lawyer, e-mail: «The emergence of anti-corruption institute on screening of normativ-legal acts in the Republic of Uzbekistan» (pp. 18-23)
3. Krasnabayeva L.A., associate professor of the Department of Public Administration Belarusian State University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, e-mail: «Теоретико-прикладные проблемы реализации публичных услуг в Республике Беларусь» (The theoretical and applied issues of implementation of public services in the Republic of Belarus) (pp. 24-29)
4. Abisheva A.K., Doctoral student Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Law, police captain, e-mail:


«Вопросы совершенствования уголовной ответственности за половое сношение или иных действий сексуального характера с лицом, не достигшим шестнадцатилетнего возраста в Республике Казахстан» (The issues of improving criminal responsibility for sexual intercution or other acts of a sexual nature with a person under sixteen years old in the Republic of Kazakhstan)  (pp. 30-35)
5. Omarov E.A., chief research officer of the Сenter for study of public interest issues of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD, junior counselor of justice, e-mail: «Вопросы квалификации неоднократной задержки выплаты заработной платы в полном объеме и в установленные сроки (ч.3 ст.152 УК РК)» (Qualification issues of the repeated delays in full and timely payment of salaries (part 3 of the article 152 of the Criminal code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) (pp. 36-45)
6. Shushikova G.K., Vice-rector-Director of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Economics and business, senior counselor of justice, e-mail:, Kemaly E.S., head of the Center for research on criminal policy and criminology of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Law, senior counselor of justice, e –mail:, Azhibayev M.G., senior researcher of the Center for research on criminal policy and criminology of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of Law, junior counselor of justice, e-mail: «Вопросы противодействия пыткам в Казахстане» (The issues of combating torments in Kazakhstan) (pp. 46-52)
7. Belyaeva I.M., head of the Department of criminal and penal enforcement law, criminology, South Ural state University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, e-mail: Kussainova A.K., junior researcher of the Department of criminal and criminal enforcement law, criminology, South Ural state University, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, e-mail:, Nurgaliyev B.M., leading researcher of the Center for legal and economic research of the «Bolashak» Academy, Doctor of Law, e-mail: «Следственная ситуация: проблемы типизации и классификации» (The investigative situation: problems of typification and classification) (pp. 53-59)
8. Kachalova O.V., Professor of the Department of criminal procedure law named after N. Radutnaya Russian state University of justice, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, e-mail: «Права человека в уголовном судопроизводстве: кризис эпохи коронавируса» (Human rights in criminal justice: the crisis of the corona virus era) (pp. 60-68)
9. Tusip T.A., leading researcher of the Center for research of criminal procedure problems of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the Prosecutor General’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, counselor of justice, e-mail: «К вопросу статуса свидетеля, имеющего право на защиту» (On the issue of the status of a witness entitled to protection) (pp. 69-74)
10. Kulmukhanbetova B.A., leading researcher at the Center for research on criminal policy and criminology of the Interdepartmental research Institute of the Academy of Law Enforcement agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of Law, Master of humanitarian science (University of Warwick), senior counselor of justice, e-mail: «Критерии определения эффективности деятельности правоохранительных органов (на примере органов внутренних дел)» (The criteria for determining the effectiveness of law enforcement bodies activity (on the case of internal affairs bodies) (pp. 75-81)
11. Utibayev G.K., professor of the Department for constitutional, international law and custom affairs of the Eurasian Law Academy named after D.A. Kunaev, Doctor of Law, 3rd class state counselor of justice, e-mail: «Административно-территориальная координация профилактики преступлений» (Administrative and territorial coordination of crime prevention)  (pp. 82-88)
12. Adaliyev N.K., senior inspector on special assignments of the Department of personnel policy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Master of public policy and management in the international sphere, police lieutenant colonel, e-mail: «Effect of refugees flow on terrorist activity in European countries» (pp. 89-96)

Scientific journal «The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy» № 4(18)/2020

Initials and surname of the autor (s)

Article title

1. Adaliev Nurlan Kairzhanovich, head of the Organizational work and personnel planningdepartment of the Personnel policy department of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of law enforcement, MIPPM, police lieutenant colonel, e-mail: «Становление и эволюция «сервисной» полиции: исторические и современные аспекты» (Formation and evolution of the «service» police: historical and modern aspects) (pp. 10-16)
2. Kusainova Aigul Kadyrzhanovna, doctoral student of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of laws, e-mail: «Актуальные проблемы административной ответственности за совершение правонарушений в области налогообложения» (Current problems of administrative liability for commitment of offenses in the field of taxation) (pp. 17-23)
3. Nurgazinov Bagdat Kabylkadyrovich, head of the Department of constitutional, administrative legislation and public administration of the Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of legal sciences, e-mail:, Makenov Timur Kanatovich, senior researcher of the Department of constitutional, administrative legislation and public administration of the Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of economic sciences, e-mail:, Tebaev Didar Bolatovich, researcher of the Department of constitutional, administrative legislation and public administration of the Institute of legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: «Государственные услуги как инструмент обеспечения прав и законных интересов физических и юридических лиц» (Public services as a tool for ensuring the rights and legal interests of individuals and legal entities) (pp. 24-33)
4. Anuar Yerzhan, chief researcher of the Center for coordination of research and study of law enforcement problems of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior counselor of justice, e-mail:, Suleimen Darkhan Dosanuly, chief researcher of the Center for research on problems of criminal procedure of the of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, counselor of justice, e-mail: «Қазақстандағы құқық бұзушылықтардың жіктелуін тарихи талдау мәселесіне қатысты» (On the historical analysis of the classification of offenses in Kazakhstan)  (pp. 34-40)
5. Zholzhaksynov Zhandos Bakhtybaevich, senior researcher of the Center for research on problems of criminal policy and crime prevention of the Scientific research institute of the Karaganda academy of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov, doctor of philosophy (phd), police captain, e-mail: «Criminal legal measures for preventing cruel treatment of animals» (pp. 41-44)
6. Kairzhanova Dina Kairkeldinovna, leading researcher at the Center for coordination of research and study of law enforcement problems of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, master of laws, 3rd class lawyer, e-mail:, Suleimen Darkhan Dosanuly, chief researcher of the Center for research on problems of criminal procedure of the of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, counselor of justice, e-mail: «Континенталды құқық жүйесі елдеріндегі қылмыстық құқық бұзушылық түсінігі және оны жіктеу мәселелері» (The concept of criminal offense and classification problems in the countries of the continental system of law) (pp. 45-51)
7. Karzhanova Zhanat Kokenovna, senior lecturer of the Department of civil law disciplines, Kazakh humanitarian-innovative law university in Semey, doctor of philosophy (PhD), е-mail:, Karazhanov Malik Dulatovich, dean of the Faculty of law of the Kazakh humanitarianinnovative law university in Semey, doctor of philosophy (PhD), e-mail: «Квазимемлекеттік және жекеше секторлардағы сыбайлас жемқорлық ұғымын анықтау мәселесіне қатысты» (To the question of definition of the concept of corruption in the quasi public and private sectors) (pp. 52-59)
8. Kolenko Evgeny Vyacheslavovich, head of the Academy of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, senior counselor of justice, e-mail: «Dynamic development of the justice system in the Republic of Uzbekistan: a new stage of reforms aimed at strengthening measures on reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens» (pp. 60-66)
9. Omarov Erbol Agbaevich, chief researcher of the Center for research of problems in the sphere of protection of public interests of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of philosophy (PhD), counselor of justice,, Syzdykov Almaz Zhaksybekovich, secretary of the Academic council of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of philosophy (PhD), counselor of justice, e-mail: «Нарушение правил охраны труда в Республике Казахстан: уголовно-правовые и криминалистические аспекты» (Violation of labor protection rules in the Republic of Kazakhstan: criminal-legal and criminalistic aspects) (pp. 67-75)
10. Kalmukhametova Botagoz Nurmukhametovna, Lecturer at the Department of Service Training of the Institute of Vocational Training, Master of Laws, 3rd grade lawyer, e-mail: «Адамдарды ұстап берудің (экстрадициялау) негіздері мен тәртібін регламенттейтін қылмыстық процестік нормаларды жүйелеу туралы мәселеге қатысты» (On the question of systematization of criminal procedural standards regulating the basis and procedure for the extraction of persons (extradition)  (pp. 76-81)
11. Sarsenbayev Azamat Serikovich, lecturer at the Department of service training of the Institute of vocational training, master of laws, 3rd class lawyer, e-mail: «Күдіктіні ұстаудың кейбір мәселелері процестік мәжбүрлеудің негізгі шарасы ретінде» (Some issues of detention of a suspect as the main measure of procedural coercion)  (pp. 82-90)
12. Rakhmetollov Askar Kanatovich, prosecutor of the Department for the protection of public interests of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Karaganda region, master of laws, junior counselor of justice, e-mail:, Kizdarbekova Antonina Serikovna, corporate secretary of the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, e-mail:, Bekisheva Sabigul Dzhanabaevna, chief researcher of the Center for research of problems in the sphere of protection of public interests of the Interdepartmental research institute of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of law, associate professor, senior counselor of justice, e-mail: «К вопросу использования помощи экспертов и уполномоченных органов по уголовным правонарушениям, рассматриваемым в отношении предпринимателей» (On the issue of using experts and authorized bodies on criminal offenses considered in relation to entrepreneurs)  (pp. 91-99)
13. Smagulova Dana Sabyrkhanovna, doctoral student of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, master of laws, e-mail:, Dzhangabulova Arailym Kuanyshbekovna, associate professor of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, e-mail:, Michel Remi Njiki, professor at the University of Cadiz, Autonomous Community of Spain, Andalusia, doctor of philosophy (PhD), e-mail: «Анализ подходов к содержанию энергетической безопасности в современных доктринах» (Analysis of approaches to the content of energy security in modern doctrines)  (pp. 100-109)
14. Tynyshbaeva Ane Arzievna, professor of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines of the Institute of postgraduate education of the Academy of law enforcement agencies under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of sociological sciences, counselor of justice, e-mail:, Shaimerdenov Alemkhan Huandykovich, senior prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Kostanay, 2nd class lawyer, master of laws, e-mail: «Суицид среди несовершеннолетних: социально-психологические причины и меры профилактики» (Suicide among minors: ciopsychological causes and prevention measures) (pp. 110-118)