General information

Periodical printed edition — scientific journal “The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy”

Online publication — scientific journal “The Bulletin of the Law Enforcement Academy”

Founder and owner — State Institution “Law Enforcement Academy under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

Sign of the age category – 12+

It has been produced since 2016.

Certificate of registration, re-registration of a periodical, news agency (№15969-Ж dated april 25. 2016),  and online publication No. 16600-СИ dated July 1, 2017, issued by the State Control Committee in the Field of Communications, Informatization and Mass Media of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ISSN – 2518-7252.

Included to the List of publications recommended for publication of the main results of scientific activit (Order of the CCSM MES RK No. 396 of 17.07.2019, Order of the CCSM MES RK No. 52 of 28.01.2021 (FOUO)

Since 2020, it has been indexed in the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD) of JSC “National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise” (NCSSTE), is also included in the scientometric system “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI) and is freely available in full-text format in the system of the Kazakhstan Scientific Academic Library (KazSAL) and Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RIEB).

Each article is assigned a DOI number (digital identification number).

It is published in printed form.

The languages of the publication are Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Issued 4 times a year.

The journal is an innovative platform for the formation of a scientific and educational information environment for a comprehensive discussion and solution of problems of law enforcement, the formation of new legislative initiatives and novels.

The main purpose of the Journal is to publish the results of current fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of human rights, legal science and international law, as well as to familiarize readers with the best international experience in implementing the results of scientific research.


1) study of the current state of domestic and foreign legislation, law enforcement practice in order to formulate proposals for the development and improvement of law enforcement activities and various branches of law;

2) analysis of theoretical and empirical aspects of state-legal phenomena, legislation of foreign states and international law;

3) conducting a comparative analysis of the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries;

4) reflection of the main results of research and scientific and practical activities of specialists in scientific fields provided for by the Journal’s subject matter;

5) informing practitioners and the legal community about the research results.

The Journal publishes the results of open scientific research in the field of law enforcement, law and science, carried out by employees of the Academy and law enforcement agencies, other scientific institutions, higher educational institutions and citizens who conduct scientific research on their own initiative.

The scientific publications of the Journal provide geographical diversity of authors with a high citation index.

Any copyright infringement is prosecuted by law.

Reprint of the Journal materials is allowed only in agreement with the Editorial Board.

Editor in Chief — Bekisheva Sabigul Dzhanabayevna – Chief Researcher of the Center for Research of Problems in the Field of Protection of Public Interests of the Interdepartmental Research Institute of Law Enforcement Academy  under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor.

Address — 010078, Akmola region, Kosshi city, Republic Street, building 94,

Phone:  +7 701 329 2412, +7 701 232 9935, +7 701 442 0242
