Ethical standards of the publication process

Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behavior in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors and readers in the process of creating, distributing and using scientific publications.

Ethical rules and regulations comply with those adopted by leading international scientific publishers.

Ethics of the Bulletin.

  1. The Bulletin undertakes:

1) to select the materials of the publication according to the review provided, based on the criteria adopted in the Bulletin that comply with the norms of scientific ethics, as well as legal requirements: prevention of libel, copyright infringement, plagiarism, etc.;

2) to evaluate the materials received for publication, based on the principle of an unbiased attitude to race, gender, ethnic origin, citizenship, political and religious views of the author;

3) check the materials received for publication in the borrowed material verification system (anti-plagiarism);

4) send for review and make decisions on publication, rejection or sending for revision of the material;

5) in case of a decision to publish, notify the author of the estimated release dates of the issue, in case of a decision to reject and send for revision, justify the reasons;

6) take measures when justified ethical complaints are received in relation to submitted or previously published materials: consideration, discussion of the complaint with the management bodies of the Bulletin, publication of corrections, refutations or a corresponding statement;

7) not to disclose information about the submitted materials to anyone else, except for the author, reviewer;

8) not to use the materials sent for publication in the own work of editors, reviewers and other employees involved in working with the material;

9) refuse to consider materials submitted for publication in the presence of a conflict of interest, as well as require the author to provide information about the presence of a conflict of interest;

10) when changing the composition of the Editorial Board, do not cancel the decisions of the previous composition on the publication of the material.

  1. The editorial office of the Bulletin reserves the right to carry out the procedure of retraction of articles. Retraction refers to the withdrawal of materials submitted to the Bulletin in cases of detection of facts of fabrication or falsification of the data presented in the article or the discovery of unjustified (neither in essence nor in volume) borrowings (plagiarism) in it. Retraction can be performed both during the editorial work on the article and after the publication of the manuscript (if the facts listed above became known later). The relevant information is published by the Bulletin in the issue following the retraction procedure.


Ethics of the author(s).

  1. When submitting materials to the Bulletin, the author(s) is aware that he/she is personally responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.
  2. The author(s) of the materials submitted for publication in the Bulletin must:

1) argue the relevance of their research and guarantee the accuracy of the data provided in the material confirming the results achieved, the objectivity of the research;

2) guarantee the originality of the submitted materials by making quotations from other authors according to the requirements accepted by the Bulletin;

3) guarantee the correctness of all information about yourself, the absence of any forms of scientific plagiarism in the submitted materials. The borrowed fragments or statements must be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unformulated quotations, paraphrasing or attribution of rights to the results of other people’s research, are unethical and unacceptable.

Plagiarism is the intentional appropriation of the authorship of someone else’s work of science, thoughts, art or invention. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and as such may entail the legal responsibility of the author;

4) guarantee that he has exclusive rights to use the material transferred to the Bulletin. In the event of a violation of this guarantee and the presentation of claims against the owner of the Bulletin and/or the Editorial Board in this regard, the author undertakes to settle all claims independently. The owner of the Bulletin and the Editorial Board are not liable to third parties for violation of the guarantees given by the author;

5) comply with ethical standards, in case of criticism or comments regarding the research of third parties;

6) recognize the contribution of all persons who influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article should contain references to works that were important during the study;

7) indicate all persons (co-authors) who have made a significant contribution to the study. It is unacceptable to specify persons who did not participate in the study;

8) guarantee the consent of all co-authors with the final version of the materials submitted for publication;

9) if significant errors or inaccuracies are found in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, immediately notify the Editorial Office of the Bulletin;

10) respect the work of the Editorial Board, Editorial Staff and reviewers, eliminate these shortcomings or refute them in a reasoned manner.

  1. When deciding to publish an article, the author reserves the right to its text without any restrictions, and also agrees to transfer the right to publish and distribute it (in electronic and paper versions).
  2. If the submitted article has been partially published in another periodical or book that has copyrights to this publication, the authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission for a new publication in a timely manner. Also, if some part of the article has already been published, the author is obliged to indicate an earlier work and name the differences between the new work and the previously published one.
  3. The author has no right to submit to the Bulletin an article that has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as that has already been published in another journal.


Ethics of editing scientific publications.

  1. In its activities, the Editorial Board of the Bulletin is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works.
  2. The Editorial Board must:

1) when deciding on the publication of materials, be guided by the following criteria: compliance of the article with the subject of the Bulletin, relevance, novelty and scientific significance of the article, reliability of the results and completeness of conclusions;

2) to respect the author’s right to intellectual property, information or ideas obtained during the preparation of the article, to maintain the confidentiality of the article, without using it for personal gain;

3) take into account the recommendations of the reviewers when making a final decision on the publication of the article. The responsibility for the decision on publication lies with the Editorial Board of the Bulletin;

4) not to leave unanswered claims concerning reviewed or published materials, as well as to take all necessary measures to restore violated rights when a conflict situation is identified.

The editorial office must:

1) to ensure the confidentiality of the publication received from the authors and any information until its publication;

2) not to use for personal purposes or transfer to third parties, without the written consent of the author, unpublished data obtained from the materials submitted for consideration;

3) do not allow information to be published if there is sufficient evidence that it is plagiarism;

4) justify their decision in case of rejection of the article;

5) coordinate with the authors the final version of the article before publication.


Ethics of the reviewer.

  1. The reviewer carries out a scientific examination of the author’s materials, as a result of which his actions should be unbiased.

The reviewer must:

1) consider the received articles as confidential information, preventing their discussion with other persons, except for persons authorized by the Editor-in-Chief to work with articles;

2) provide motivated critical comments and be guided by scientific criteria for evaluating the article: compliance with the profile of the Bulletin, scientific novelty, completeness and reliability of research results, relevance, significance, correctness, accuracy of definitions and formulations, style. Reviewers should be objective and formulate their conclusions clearly with arguments so that the authors of the articles can use them to further improve the material.;

3) not to use the information obtained during the review for personal gain and not to make copies of articles;

4) to draw the attention of the Editor-in-Chief and members of the Editorial Board to the substantial or partial similarity of the evaluated manuscript with any other work, as well as the facts of the absence of references to the provisions previously published in other works of this or other authors;

5) make objective and impartial decisions, give a reasoned assessment of the stated research results and clearly justified recommendations. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable;

6) provide timely review of articles to maintain a constant periodicity of the publication of the Bulletin;

7) inform the Editor-in-Chief about the conflict of interests with the author or organization, as well as if he believes that he does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript or cannot be objective.

  1. The result of the review of the article is the conclusion about the possibility of its publication – in the presented form, with revision, after processing (with re-consideration) or about its rejection. This conclusion is approved by the Editorial Board of the Bulletin.
  2. In case of unethical behavior towards the authors, or systematic provision of low-quality reviews, or violation of the deadlines for the provision of reviews, the relationship with this reviewer is terminated.

Conflict of interest.

All participants in the publishing process should avoid conflicts of interest in any form and at any stage of preparation of the manuscript for publication. In the event of a conflict of interest, the parties must take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights of interested parties.