Regulations on the scientific journal

Regulations on the scientific journal



1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Mass Media” dated July 23, 1999 No. 451, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Copyright and Related Rights” dated June 10, 1996 No. 6-1.

2. This Regulation defines the legal status, purpose, powers, management procedure, organizational and technical requirements, ethical standards, grounds for termination of the scientific journal “Kukyk korgau organdary akademiyasynyn zharshysy” (hereinafter referred to as the Bulletin), as well as other provisions referred by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the RK) to the subject of regulation of the regulations on Herald.

3. The Bulletin is the official periodical of the Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – the Academy), published four times a year.

4. The owner and founder of the Bulletin is the Academy.

5. The Bulletin is published in accordance with subparagraph 10) of paragraph 18 of the Charter of the Academy, approved by the Order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 03, 2021 No. 14.

6. Certificate of registration with the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 15969-Zh dated April 25, 2016 (periodical printed edition), No. 16600-SI dated July 01, 2017 (online edition).

7. By the decision of the authorized state body in the field of education and science dated April 17, 2019 (Order No. 396), dated January 28, 2021 (Order No. 52 (DSP) The bulletin is included in the list of publications recommended for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.

8. The bulletin is registered by the International Center for Registration of Serial Publications ISSN (UNESCO, Paris, France), has the index of the printed version of ISSN No. 2518-7252.

9. The language of publications is Kazakh, Russian, English.

10. The main purpose of the publication of the Bulletin is to publish the results of current fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of law enforcement, legal science and international law, as well as to familiarize readers with the best international experience in the implementation of scientific developments.

11. The geographical diversity of authors with a high citation index is ensured in the scientific publications of the Bulletin.

12. The Bulletin, as part of the international scientific information system, participates in solving the following tasks:

1) study of the current state of domestic and foreign legislation, law enforcement practice in order to formulate proposals for the development and improvement of law enforcement and various branches of law;

2) analysis of theoretical and empirical aspects of state-legal phenomena, legislation of foreign states and international law;

3) conducting a comparative analysis of the activities of law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries;

4) reflection of the main results of research and scientific and practical activities of specialists in scientific fields provided by the subject of the Bulletin;

5) familiarization of practitioners and the legal community with the results of research.

13. Articles in the Bulletin are placed under headings, which are drawn up depending on the content and issues of the submitted materials.

14. No more than one single article by the author or one article in co-authorship is allowed to be published in the issue. The number of co-authors of one article is not more than two.



15. The organization of work on the definition of the publishing strategy, the relevant topics of the published materials, the formation and publication of the Bulletin is carried out by the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board and the Editorial Board in compliance with the ethical standards of the publication process (Appendix 1 to this Regulation on the Bulletin).

16. The management of the Bulletin is carried out on the principles of a combination of unity of command and collegiality.

17. The Editorial Counsel is the representative body of the Bulletin, which determines its development strategy.

18. The Editorial Counsel consists of domestic and foreign scientists with citations in international and/or domestic citation systems, heads of educational, scientific and other institutions, representatives of law enforcement agencies.

19. The Editorial Counsel of the Bulletin is headed by the Chairman – Rector of the Academy. The Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Counsel is the Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin.

20. The Chairman of the Editorial Counsel:

1) approves this Regulation on the Bulletin;

2) carries out the general management of the Bulletin;

3) approves the Editor-in-Chief, members of the Editorial Counsel Board, Editorial Board and Editorial office;

4) signs the Bulletin “to the press” and gives permission for its distribution;

5) approves the circulation and mailing list of the Bulletin;

6) makes a final decision on the issues of acceptance and rejection of controversial materials submitted for publication in the Bulletin;

7) delegates its powers to the Editor-in-Chief on certain issues.

21. The Editorial Board and the Editorial office are formed from among the staff of the Academy, law enforcement agencies and organizations.

22. Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Counsel – Editor-in-Chief:

1) carries out general management of the work of the Bulletin, the Editorial Board and the Edition. When exercising its powers, it is guided by the current legislation and this Regulation on the Bulletin;

2) determines reviewers and coordinates the process and timing of reviewing articles;

3) promotes the involvement of leading scientists and highly qualified specialists and experts in the work on the content of the Bulletin in accordance with the scientific directions of the Bulletin;

4) executes the instructions of the Chairman of the Editorial Counsel;

5) ensures control over the quality and relevance of articles accepted for publication, the timing of the formation and publication of issues of the Bulletin;

6) performs a control reading of the Bulletin layout;

7) supervises the work of the Bulletin’s website;

8) makes proposals to the Chairman of the Editorial Counsel on maintaining a high scientific level and improving the editorial and publishing activities of the Bulletin.

23. Members of the Editorial Board:

1) evaluate the submitted articles taking into account the opinions of reviewers and the requirements set out in paragraph 27 of this Regulation in the Bulletin, fill out the evaluation sheet (Appendix 2 to this Regulation on the Bulletin);

2) participate in meetings of the Editorial Board;

3) develop recommendations to improve the quality of the content and design of the Bulletin;

4) promote the Bulletin in the relevant branches of science and practical activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

24. The Editorial office is the main organizational and technical structure for the publication of the Bulletin, performing the following functions:

1) provide work on the reception and registration of incoming articles and materials attached to them;

2) review the submitted materials for compliance with the requirements for the design of articles (Appendix 3 to this Regulation on the Bulletin);

3) check the articles for illegal borrowing (anti-plagiarism) and compliance with the publication ethics of the Bulletin, the technical requirements;

4) in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief, send articles for review;

5) form and submit for discussion by the Editorial Board the layout of each issue of the Bulletin in doc (Microsoft Word) format;

6) organize and record meetings of the Editorial Board;

7) carry out work on the distribution of the Bulletin;

8) update the Bulletin’s website.



25. The reception of materials and the formation of the Bulletin number is carried out in the following terms:

1) the first month of the quarter – acceptance of materials for publication;

2) the second month of the quarter – the work of the Editorial Board and the Edition on the formation of the issue of the Bulletin;

3) the third month of the quarter – the transfer of the layout of the Bulletin to the printing house, replication.

26. General requirements for the procedure for consideration, approval and rejection of articles:

1) materials not previously published in other publications in other languages are accepted;

2) must contain new information compared to previously published results;

3) verification of compliance with the requirements posted on the Bulletin’s website and published in each issue is carried out;

4) checking for the presence of borrowings (anti-plagiarism) and reviewing is carried out in accordance with the procedure defined by this Regulation on the Bulletin.

27. Basic requirements for the quality of the article:

1) relevance of the work, in accordance with the priority scientific directions of the Bulletin (importance, applicability of methods and technologies described in the article);

2) scientific novelty and methodology (originality, ideas, solutions and results of research tasks, reliability and objectivity of conclusions);

3) structuring (formulation and solution of tasks, problems, clarity of presentation, consistency, consistency, coherence of presentation);

4) the significance of the main results of the study (presentation of the results, theoretical and practical significance, conclusions, scientific and practical significance);

5) an international/global approach to assessing the relevance and results of work.

28. Authors submit articles in the online Article submission and review System by e-mail “” (hereinafter referred to as the System), with filling out the application forms for the publication of the article (Appendix 4 to this Regulation on the Bulletin) and the Application (Appendix 5 to this Regulation on the Bulletin), the authenticity of which is confirmed by the QR code installed by the System to each application and application.

Authors who do not have an academic degree attach a scanned copy of the review from the supervisor/consultant with the signature and seal of the University.

When submitting an article in English, at the request of the editorial board, the author provides a version of the article in Kazakh or Russian.

29. The editorial board, after checking for compliance with the rules of registration, carries out work on checking the article for the presence of borrowings (anti-plagiarism). The permissible percentage of the original text is determined by the Rules of Work for borrowing, approved by the order of the Rector of the Academy No. 35 dated May 11, 2018.

30. The Bulletin is a peer-reviewed journal, in the process of reviewing, a strict selection of articles for publication and making specific recommendations for their improvement is carried out. The review procedure is focused on the most objective assessment of the content of the article, determining its compliance with the requirements of the Bulletin and involves a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the material submitted for consideration.

Independent domestic and foreign scientists, experts and specialists in relevant fields, faculty and research staff of the Academy are involved as reviewers.

31. Before conducting the review, the reviewer fills out a Non-disclosure Agreement (Appendix 6 to this Regulation on the Bulletin).

32. The review procedure is anonymous (“blind review”), both for the reviewer and for the author. The review is carried out in accordance with the Requirements for reviewing articles (Appendix 7 to this Regulation on the Bulletin).

33. The review period is determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the prompt publication of the article, but should not exceed fifteen calendar days.

34. The reviewer fills out the review form in the System (Appendix 8 to this Regulation on the Bulletin), the authenticity of which is confirmed by the QR code installed by the System for each review.

35. If the review contains recommendations for correcting or finalizing the article, the author either finalizes the article or refutes them in a reasoned way (partially or completely). The revised article or information about the refutation of comments is sent to the Editorial Office.

36. Articles that meet the requirements are sent to the members of the Editorial Board for consideration, followed by the provision of an evaluation sheet to the Editorial Board, the authenticity of which is confirmed by the QR code installed by the System for each evaluation sheet.

37. The Editorial Board, based on the results of the review and the evaluation sheet, forms a preliminary layout of the Bulletin in doc (Microsoft Word) format, which is submitted for consideration to the members of the Editorial Board.

38. The final decision on the approval or rejection of the article for publication in the Bulletin is made at the meeting of the Editorial Board by voting.

39. Meetings of the Editorial Board are held as necessary. A meeting is considered competent if at least half of its members attended it. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the total number of members present at the meeting and are formalized by the minutes.

Members of the Editorial Board are allowed to participate in the meeting in the form of a videoconference.

40. The approved layout is sent to the Editorial Office for prepress preparation.

41. After the prepress preparation, the signal number of the Bulletin is made, which the Editor-in-Chief submits for consideration to the Chairman of the Editorial Board.

42. The Chairman of the Editorial Board makes the final decision on the publication of the issue of the Bulletin, on the basis of which the layout is sent to the printing house for subsequent replication.

43. The electronic archive (publishing versions of articles in PDF format) is laid out in open access on the official website of the Bulletin “ “.

44. Mandatory free copies of the Bulletin are sent to the National Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the National State Book Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Additional copies of the Bulletin, in agreement with the Chairman of the Editorial Board, may be sent to domestic and foreign state and law enforcement agencies, scientific and educational organizations, and management bodies of the Bulletin.

45. The materials contained in the issues of the Bulletin are considered published and are objects of copyright.

46. All relations arising in connection with the creation and use of copyright objects, the organization and distribution of the Bulletin (related rights) are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

47. The author is responsible for the accuracy and content of the submitted materials (the originality of the research, the correctness and accuracy of the data, facts, quotations, proper names, geographical names, surnames, initials and other information).

48. The Academy does not undertake obligations on the terms of publication. If the material is sent to the author(s) for revision, then the date of receipt is the date of return of the processed material by the author(s).

49. Sending articles to the Editorial Office of the Bulletin means the consent of the author(s) to the right of publication and subsequent republication in any language of the publications of the Bulletin.


50. References to the Bulletin are mandatory when reprinting.

51. Prints of articles are not issued, no fee is paid to the authors.

52. Amendments and additions to the Regulations are approved by the order of the Rector of the Academy.

53. The decision on the reorganization and liquidation of the Bulletin is made by the Academy or carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If the Academy decides to terminate the issue of the Bulletin, it reserves the right to resume its release with the same name.